1. Folk Art Paintings


The Paintings done by members of a particular group, culture, or location using their own tools, materials, and methods are known as folk art. These Paintings that are created by folk artists are a reflection of their customs, values, and aesthetic preferences. Moreover, these paintings are often attractive, and expressive, and they are unaffected by professional or popular art movements.


Specialties of Folk Art Paintings Are:

  • They create the forms and figures of the human, animal, and plant subjects using basic geometric shapes such as triangles, squares, circles, and lines.
  • They depict many aspects of nature, such as the sun, peacock, fish, lotus, and so on, using symbols and themes.
  • They fill in the shapes and forms and produce contrasts and highlights by using vivid colors like red, yellow, green, blue, and white.


Why You Should Decorate Your Walls with Folk Art Paintings?

  1. They generally feature themes of joy, love, spirituality, and the natural world, which uplifts and energizes your house.
  2. They bring a touch of fusion and imagination to your spaces.
  3. They can mix in readily with both classic and modern decor trends.



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2. Tribal Paintings


Tribal paintings are one of India's oldest paintings that date back to the prehistoric era. These are the products of India's indigenous people, who follow their own set of beliefs, practices, and rituals while coexisting peacefully with the natural world. Tribal paintings are known for their spontaneity, symbolism, and simplicity. They paint on walls, floors, rocks, linen, and paper using natural materials including soil, charcoal, flowers, leaves, and animal blood.


Specialties of Tribal Paintings Are:

  • Tribal paintings portray nature, mythology, folklore, rituals, and the everyday lives of the indigenous people.
  • Their unique designs and styles differ from area to area and tribe to tribe.
  • They have a lengthy history and have evolved from the prehistoric Central Indian rock art.


Tribal Paintings: A Symbolic Decor for Your Walls!

  1. They add a pop of color, warmth, and diversity to your contemporary house while creating a contrast and a focal point.
  2. They enhance the overall interior decor of the interior walls by showcasing the richness and variety of India's traditional and tribal arts.


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3. Temple & Monument Paintings


India is a country that is home to various religions and cultures, and each of them has their respective form of art portrayed in the temples and the monuments. The religious and secular paintings that cover the walls, ceilings, and pillars of Indian temples, caves, palaces, and forts are known as temple and monument paintings. They are the expressions of the passion, belief, and taste of the kings, supporters, and artists who produced them.


Specialties of Temple & Monument Paintings Are:

  • They often contain complex motifs, patterns, and symbols with deeper significance.
  • The elements in these paintings act as an interface for communication and expression, reflecting the people's aesthetic and spiritual values.
  • These paintings are often made using natural elements such as organic pigments, minerals, plant extracts, and vegetable dyes.


Add Charm and Beauty to Your Walls with Temple & Monument Paintings!

  1. They reflect the holy and divine elements of all religions, creating a calm and spiritual ambiance in your house.
  2. As they display the minute details of the sculptures, and carvings, on them, they improve the aesthetic appeal and attractiveness of your walls.
  3. They can also be the center point of attraction especially when you have guests at your home.


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4. Rajasthani Paintings


Rajasthan is a state that has been heavily influenced by the Rajputs, and their culture. These are reflected in the paintings called Rajasthani paintings. They showcase the symbols of the Rajput kings' dignity, bravery, and romance, as well as the Mughal and Persian styles' inspirations. The vibrant and intricate style of Rajasthani paintings portrays topics of religion, mythology, history, literature, and courtly life.


Specialties of Rajasthani Paintings Are:

  • These paintings often portray the aspects of Rajasthani culture like festivals, rituals, sports, hunting, royal processions, and court settings.
  • They employ tempera as the binding agent and a watercolor technique on paper, ivory, silk, or walls.
  • Their color scheme is rich and varied, featuring contrasting tones, warm primary hues, and decorations in gold and silver.
  • Mughal and Deccan art have a great influence on them, particularly in terms of perspective, naturalism, and drawing skills.


Brighten Up Your Walls with Rajasthani Paintings!

  1. They reflect Rajasthan's rich history and culture, a state renowned for its artwork, mythology, and royal palaces of the Rajputs.
  2. These paintings also employ bright and royal colors like orange, green, pink, blue, and red to create a lively and cozy ambiance in your space.
  3. They draw attention and appreciation, making them a great focus point for your interior spaces.


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5. Traditional Art


India is a country that has diversified cultures and traditions that are being followed and worshipped in every state. These paintings express the emotions, deities, famous kings, sacred animals, and many other aspects that people worshipped. Some of the methods of traditional art paintings were murals, painted on the walls of substantial structures, such as caves and temples, Miniatures, small-scale artworks created on perishable surfaces like paper and linen, and other paintings that are made on cotton, silk, jute, etc.


Specialties of Traditional Art Paintings Are:

  • They often employ religious, mythical, or folk themes as their foundation, such as the tales of Krishna, Jagannath, Ramayana, and Mahabharata.
  • To produce vibrant and long-lasting colors, they employ natural and mineral colors found in stones, metals, vegetable dyes, and plant extracts.
  • They are used for presents, decoration, and devotion and are frequently regarded as sacred and auspicious.


The Magic of Traditional Art Paintings on Your Walls

  1. Adding eye-catching colors, elaborate patterns, and classic themes to your home can improve its visual appeal.
  2. They bring richness and complexity to your space by contrasting traditional Indian features with your home's modern design language.
  3. Traditional paintings also add a touch of grace, and individuality to your interior design to showcase your preferences and inspirations.


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6. Village Paintings


Indian village paintings portray rural village life, the landscape of villages, and the activities of the rural people. The painters of these rural landscapes, are mostly from rural origins and employed a simple, emotional way to bring out the beauty of their rural environment. These paintings capture a time when villages served as the hubs of both culture and commerce and when people coexisted peacefully with the environment.


Specialties of Village Paintings Are:

  • Indian village paintings are distinguished by their vivid hues, minute details, and traditional themes.
  • They highlight the richness and diversity of India's rural environments, which include rivers, fields, forests, mountains, and temples.
  • They highlight the richness and diversity of India's rural environments, which include rivers, fields, forests, mountains, and temples.


Village Paintings: A Unique and Vibrant Choice for Your Walls!

  1. Due to their handcrafted and one-of-a-kind nature, they can draw guests' attention and appreciation, enhancing the visual appeal and overall value of your house.
  2. Since they portray the natural environment, celebrations, and everyday activities of the villagers, they can add some energy and an appealing look to your walls.
  3. They also create warmth by showcasing the peaceful life of villagers on them.


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7. Madhubani Paintings


The Mithila area of India and Nepal is the birthplace of the folk art tradition known as Madhubani paintings. They take the name of the Bihar district of Madhubani, where a British officer initially discovered them in 1934. Women use natural colors and a variety of materials, including matchsticks, twigs, fingers, and brushes, to create these paintings. The paintings of Madhubani are regarded as a part of the Mithila people's continuing cultural legacy.


Specialties of Madhubani Paintings Are:

  • The paintings use geometric patterns and vivid colors to convey topics from mythology, folk, rituals, and daily life.
  • They employ hues that come from organic materials like flowers, plants, minerals, and cow dung.
  • They lack perspective and shading and only employ two-dimensional visuals and they completely occupy the area, leaving no voids or spaces.


Madhubani Paintings: A Vibrant and Valuable Addition to Your Home Decor!

  1. They can enhance your space's visual appeal with their distinctive and striking designs.
  2. As Madhubani paintings capture the rich history and mythology of the Mithila region, they bring a sense of culture and heritage to your house.
  3. They also foster an environment of positivity and harmony because Madhubani paintings frequently feature lucky symbols, gods, and natural elements that are said to bring wealth and good fortune.


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8. Warli Art Paintings


Indian Warli art paintings are a style of tribal art that has their origins in Maharashtra, India's North Sahyadri Range. They are typically made with rice paste and twigs on the mud walls of huts. White-colored, straightforward geometric patterns and shapes, such as triangles, squares, and circles, define the paintings. The sun, moon, mountains, and trees are just a few of the natural components that these shapes represent. The paintings also show the Warli people's customs and way of life, including dance, hunting, farming, and worship.


Specialties of Warli Art Paintings Are:

  • Their distinct style combines simplicity and complexity, employing muted hues and forms to produce elaborate compositions and patterns.
  • They depict the culture and traditions of the Warli people as well as their intimate bond with the natural world.
  • The sun, moon, earth, and life cycle are all represented by circles, which are the most often utilized shapes in Warli art.


The Benefits of Decorating Your Walls with Warli Art Paintings:

  1. They allow you to show your admiration for the traditions and culture of the Warli people, who have a distinctive worldview and a rich history.
  2. Since they represent the natural and rural lifestyle of the Warli people, they can provide a contrast and harmony with the contemporary and urban components of your home.
  3. As they are created using dots and lines to create beautiful forms and designs, they may enliven and adorn your walls.



9. Gond Painting


The Gond tribe of Central India is known for their Gond painting style. The Gond tribe boasts a rich and varied culture and heritage, making it one of the biggest and most ancient tribal communities in India. According to these tribes, painting objects in nature might call upon their blessings and protection because everything in nature has a spirit. The Gond tribe's observations of the natural world and its fauna, along with their folktales and mythology, serve as inspiration for Gond paintings. Gond paints with vivid colors and precise lines to produce complex textures and patterns that cover the whole canvas.


Specialties of Gond Paintings Are:

  • They often employ a stylized and creative technique to depict gods, animals, birds, and plants.
  • The oral histories, songs, traditions, and myths of the Gond people have an impact on them.
  • To fill the shapes and provide a sense of rhythm and movement, they employ a technique that involves drawing dots and lines.


How Gond Paintings Can Transform Your Living Room:

  1. The stories, myths, and traditions they portray about the Gond people and their relationship with nature can stimulate imagination and creativity.
  2. Being a reflection of the Gond people's rich history and beliefs, they can bring a little bit of culture and tradition into your house.
  3. Since they are formed of dots and lines that form intricate shapes and designs, they can improve the visual appeal and beauty of your walls.